Future Potential

There are opportunities to develop senior living and care spaces for Bermudians

  • Premier properties will be developed to target the mid-range and the affluent market
  • Centrally located senior community center with respite services will be affordable
  • Properly scaled developments designed to compliment local neighborhoods across the island 
  • The SSL communities are focused on meeting local demand for effective and economical care


Residential Living Communities

Design features—pleasant and comfortable common amenities along with personalized spacious home spaces
Service packages—full array of convenient services provided in a monthly fee. Other services can be requested Ala Carte, including healthcare services
Financial guidance—personalized assistance to review financial options and plans to meet ongoing care needs

Key Findings for Care

Many current care options for seniors are near capacity. 
Development needs to catch-up to demand.

According to the Age Concern Stats survey of Aging Trends:

  • 12% of the seniors indicated an interest in affordable housing
  • 25% of seniors currently live alone
  • 16% of seniors expect care in a nursing home.

Current capacity in Bermuda is estimated at 485 rooms, including the Bermuda Housing Trust (BHT) cottage colonies. With a 5% coverage of the senior population over 65, it would argue for another 100 beds now.

If the demand for accommodations for seniors is close to 10%, the demand for additional spaces would be 1,000 more in 5 years.


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